Sunday, November 25, 2007

My Father's Garden

My father was the erstwhile green thumb. Give him a seed or a stem of anything and he will make it grow in a month. He has tried it with bromeliads and orchids and anthuriums, that he created a virtual jungle on our household grounds. But do not look for aesthetics here. Its just mere random planting of whatever he could grab on.

It has been six years since he was gone and the garden was left to tend for itself. No new plants are placed and the old ones seem to have outgrown their pots, vines have climbed to top of trees and seedlings grow together with their mother plants in the same pots.

I took this pictures just to give me something to help me remember before everything changes. Every morning after coffee he would go down and attend to these plants. Either water them, plant new ones or change their pots. Everytime I leave for Manila, I would look for him there to kiss his hands. It was his kingdom and the plants love him like their king. It was where he was most truly happy.

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